4 Essential Packages for Atom

I switched over to Github’s Atom editor from Sublime Text a few months ago, and so far I haven’t looked back. Sometimes it starts up a little slow on Windows, but the open-source support is fantastic, with a huge selection of packages already. Here are a few of my favorites.


Creating a new post with markdown-writer

If you’re using Atom & Jekyll, markdown-writer should be a no-brainer.

  • Easy options for drafting and publishing posts.
  • Commands for images and links.
  • Other formatting shortcuts.

With markdown-writer, atom feels like it plugs directly into Jekyll’s process, and it’s just a pleasure to use.


using project manager

I used a similar package with Sublime Text, and it’s invaluable when you’re working on multiple projects at the same time. Save your environment with your tree view and open tabs/frames, switch to something else, then open it back up right where you left off whenever you’re ready.


When you’re working in more than one environment, it can be a pain to get Atom’s settings configured the way you want in both locations. Sync-settings takes care of everything for you with one command. Backup sends a list of configurations to a gist saved in your Github account, and Restore pulls from that same gist to restore your settings.

It takes care of all the following:

  • Sync Atom’s and package settings
  • Sync installed packages
  • Sync user keymaps
  • Sync user styles
  • Sync user init script
  • Sync snippets
  • Sync user defined text files

Atom Material UI Theme

Google’s Material Design Guidelines are beautiful and clean, and this theme for Atom follows those guidelines closely, resulting in a really nice editor. Honestly, I started using this theme when I first installed Atom and haven’t tried out anything else for more than a few minutes.

Those are some of my favorite Atom packages so far, but I’m sure there’s plenty of useful ones I haven’t run across yet. For anyone else using Atom - which packages can you not live without?