

My Wedding

Mel and Seth wedding website

I built a wedding website for my fiance Mel and me! Instead of sending out detailed invitations and RSVP cards, we decided to put all the information we needed online (along with all our most elegant, sophisticated photos) and linked guests to a Google form so they could easily RSVP. Click the screenshot above to check it out.

GLSC Event Landing Pages

2016 landing page

2016 Landing Page Demo

2015 landing page

2015 Landing Page Demo

During my time at GLSC, I built an event landing page each year for our annual summit. I tried something new each time, and for the last design dropped our Constant Contact integration and instead enabled registration through an embedded Google form. Click the links above to check them out.

Image Comics Release Tracker

Image comics release tracker screenshot

I stopped buying single issue comics, so I wanted an easy way to know when trade paperbacks for my favorite series were coming out. I couldn’t find a service that did exactly what I wanted, so I used WrapAPI to create an API from Image’s upcoming releases page. Then I built an app to let the user pick a date and show them all the comics coming out that week, with an option to only view collected editions.

Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition Crafting Table

Divinity crafting list screenshot

I put together this table when I was playing this game. The crafting system is complex but almost totally opaque, and I wanted a resource I could quickly search for combinations and recipes. I styled the table and made it sortable with bootstrap-table, then added a search bar for filtering with Jets.js.



The freeCodeCamp curriculum requires you to complete a few different projects. Some of mine I built on codepen, and I’ve embedded them below.

See the Pen fCC - Simon Game by seth dehaan (@sethxd) on CodePen.

See the Pen pomodoro clock by seth dehaan (@sethxd) on CodePen.

See the Pen fCC - wikipedia search by seth dehaan (@sethxd) on CodePen.


Published 6.4.2012: Too Careful

Published 11.30.2011: The Butcher’s First