Getting My Portfolio Up to Snuff

Since I’m migrating into a career as a front-end developer, I had to consider the one thing every developer must when they’re looking for work: building a killer portfolio. As someone looking for my first job in the field, this is how I approached it.


I know some developers place their portfolio front and center on their website but, at least for now, I wanted to include mine as a part of this blog under the Projects heading. Maybe later I’ll want to build a separate landing page for it, but for now I also want to highlight the work I’ve been doing to write helpful posts about development.

Order of Presentation

It’s important to consider what you want people to see first. For myself, I thought it’d be best to highlight full sites and landing pages, followed by other projects. This is the outline I’m working with so far:

  • Full sites. Placing my full projects, like event landing pages and my wedding website, to highlight them before anything else.
  • Snippets and Github links. Small snippets and plugins I’ve created to show some versatility.
  • Embedded Codepen projects. I used Codepen to complete some freeCodeCamp assignments, so might as well include some examples of those.
  • Fiction. Totally unrelated to web development, but I’ve published a few short stories if anyone is interested.

Next Steps

I’m debating whether or not to include some of the user guides and videos I’ve created for work. They’re not totally relevant to a front-end position, but they do show my range of skills. I’m definitely going to add more of the work I’ve been doing with Hubspot, other full projects I’ve been working on, and more snippets and smaller examples of code.

I know this is a little unorthodox, but I’m happy with how it’s shaping up for now. Everyone approaches a portfolio differently and with varied priorities. What do you think of my approach, and how would you describe your own?