It’s a new year, and time for change. When I first built this blog using Jekyll a few months ago, I figured I would host it on Github Pages because 1) it was free and 2) I didn’t think I would ever need plugins. Well, things change.
My next freeCodeCamp challenge involves building a Javascript for the ROT13 cipher. With the ROT13 cipher, a letter is replaced by the one 13 spaces away from it in the alphabet.
My latest project for freeCodeCamp is a stylized “camper news” page, using their latest news API to display recent stories and meet the following requirements:
The Enhanced Edition of Divinity: Original Sin released on PS4 a few weeks ago, and I’ve been having a blast with it. You can do almost anything with very few restrictions:
Oh man, this one was a doozy. Here’s the assignment: